Dr. Vanessa Muradian
Veterinary Physician, MSc, PhD
CRMV-SP 11,700
Veterinary Physician graduated from FMVZ-USP with 22 years of experience, having completed her master's (2002) and doctorate (2009) at the same institution.
Serves in the areas of Oncology and Clinical Nutrition of Dogs and Cats, providing services in veterinary clinics in SP and other regions.
It is also a facilitator of Family Constellation in the areas of family and professional, especially issues involving PETS and their relationships with human beings.
Formations in Family Constellation:
------ Espaço Casa Viva, Psychologist Eunice Porto, 2019
--- Training Course in Systemic Family Constellation -
School of Excellence of the Institute of Psyquiatry (IPQ)
Hospital das Clínicas (HC),
Faculty of Medicine
University of Sao Paulo
FMUSP - 2019-2021
Vet appointments
Palliative Therapy
Nutritional monitoring of oncology patients
Formulation of homemade diets / chosing commercial diets
Family constellation (individual or group)
Currently, PetProLife serves at the following addresses (other neighborhoods on request)
Jardim Franca
Veterinary clinic
Dr Fernando Almeida
Rua Cap. Alberto Mendes Jr 368
Agua Fria
(North Zone SP)
Clivet Serra
Veterinary clinic
Dra Natalia Costa Simões
Av José Gianesella 1500
Imperial Shopping
(Serra da Cantareira SP)
Veterinary clinic
Dra Maira Mendonça
Rua Custodio Duarte Lanna 219
Atibaia SP